R&D Activity



We support our customers along the whole design process from product specifications to construction drawings providing feasibility studies, cost analysis, concept product design, co-design, simultaneous engineering and product detailed design.


Ce.S.I. competences has been enlarged to offer also manufacturing services in the field of precision machining.
Advanced Engineering

Advanced Engineering

Ce.S.I. can provide innovative product concepts supported by CAE simulations (static, dynamic, linear and non-linear) and by its extensive expertise in adaptronics and micro-engineering. Experimental modal analysis, Reliability & Maintainability (R&M) analysis, Discrete Event Simulation complete the offered range of engineering tools and methodologies for technology development, adaptation and application.
Business and digital innovation

Business and digital innovation

Ce.S.I. provides services to create substantial new value for its customers. This include methods and technologies to boost Digital Innovation and transformation toward Industry 4.0.

CE.SI. is involved in several R&D and innovation activities focused on advanced mechanical solutions, materials and digital technologies for new machines and processes development towards Industry 4.0.
The R&D project portfolio includes

  • Innovative Materials applications for light damped (and adaptive) structures
  • Cyber Physical Systems (vibration & thermal errors compensation)
  • Ultra high precision machining modules
  • Machine-learning and predictive analytics
  • Reliability & Maintainability Engineering (Advanced Prognostic)

Ce.S.I. participates actively in strategic international R&D and innovation projects to develop and apply advanced mechanical solutions, materials, high precision engineering and design technology.

The results are applied to improve its own and its customers competitiveness in the development of new machines and processes.

The Company cooperates and has strong links with the most important Universities and Centers of Excellence all over the world.

Ce.S.I. is a member of the excellence training network of Lombardia Polo Meccanica www.polomeccanica.net

Ce.S.I. has been qualified as private C R T T (Center of Research and Technology Transfer) of Italian Lombardia Region, and inserted in the Questio Portal www.questio.it

The regular participation to several 7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020 research projects clearly reflects our Research and Innovation attitude.


Current projects:

Title: Human-Centric Operations in Manufacturing SMEs aided by GeneraTive AI

Acronym: COMMIT

Web site: https://www.cesisrl.net/insights/33-commit-experiment


Title: Strengthening of Logistics and Supply Chain Management of Maintenance Services through Process Mining powered by AI

Acronym: SUPREME

Web site: https://www.d4s.es/supreme-project.html


Title: Deep learning-based errors Detection to boost Data-Driven Circular Manufacturing

Acronym: D4CM

Web site: https://www.cesisrl.net/insights/30-d4cm-experiment


Title: Industrial Data Service for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing

Acronym: i4Q

Web site: https://www.cesisrl.net/insights/29-dualreq-experiment


Title: Industrial Data Service for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing

Acronym: i4Q

Web site: https://www.i4q-project.eu/


Title: PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling

Acronym: PROGRAMS (H2020)

Web site: https://www.programs-project.eu


Title: Automotive Mechatronic Baseline for Electric Resilient Ultra Light Vehicle

Acronym: AMBER-ULV (FP7)

Web site: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/109540/factsheet/it


Title: AI Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience

Acronym: AIDEAS

Web site: https://aideas-project.eu/


Title: Intelligent prediction of woodworking machines PERformance

Acronym: IPER

Web site: https://www.cesisrl.net/insights/31-iper-experiment


Title: Integrated Software suite for component Matchmaking and Maintenance planning for Robotic Grippers


Web site: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/smart-grip/


Title: Smart Flange For All-In-One intelligent Maintenance & Vibration Control Of ROTating Equipment

Acronym: iROT

Web site: http://www.cesisrl.net/insights/25-irot-project-feasibility-study

Title: New aerospace advanced cost effective materials and rapid manufacturing technologies

Acronym: MMTECH (H2020)

Web site: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/633776/it


Title: Integrated framework for a cost-effective and ease of Repair, Renovation and Re-use of machine tools within modern factor

Acronym: EASE-R3 (FP7)

Web site: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/108952/factsheet/en


Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali
20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) Italy - Corso Roma, 4
Phone: + 39 02 27302829

P.IVA 00815570965