


We support our customers along the whole design process from product specifications to construction drawings providing feasibility studies, cost analysis, concept product design, co-design, simultaneous engineering and product detailed design.


Ce.S.I. competences has been enlarged to offer also manufacturing services in the field of precision machining.
Advanced Engineering

Advanced Engineering

Ce.S.I. can provide innovative product concepts supported by CAE simulations (static, dynamic, linear and non-linear) and by its extensive expertise in adaptronics and micro-engineering. Experimental modal analysis, Reliability & Maintainability (R&M) analysis, Discrete Event Simulation complete the offered range of engineering tools and methodologies for technology development, adaptation and application.
Business and digital innovation

Business and digital innovation

Ce.S.I. provides services to create substantial new value for its customers. This include methods and technologies to boost Digital Innovation and transformation toward Industry 4.0.

Ce.S.I., together with PAMA S.p.A. has started the D4CM experiment as sub-granted project of the EU H2020 project KYKCLOS 4.0

Objectives: the goal of this experiment is to develop, implement and validate a robust and confident CPS platform that includes AI-based machine Errors Detection (ED) and Adaptive compensation (AC) models which rely on Deep Learning (DP) techniques.

Approach:AI/DP models are developed with an holistic (from Design to Renovation stages) and modular approach that enables a quick and effective retraining and re-deployment in case of reuse of equipment. The experiment, as a sub-granted project of the EU H2020 KYKCLOS 4.0 project, aims to apply AI methodologies to foster Circular Manufacturing.


The D4CM experiment has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action programme, via the KYKLOS4.0 Open Call #1 issued and executed under the KYKLOS4.0 project (Grant Agreement no. 872570).

Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali
20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) Italy - Corso Roma, 4
Phone: + 39 02 27302829

P.IVA 00815570965