Privacy Policy



We support our customers along the whole design process from product specifications to construction drawings providing feasibility studies, cost analysis, concept product design, co-design, simultaneous engineering and product detailed design.


Ce.S.I. competences has been enlarged to offer also manufacturing services in the field of precision machining.
Advanced Engineering

Advanced Engineering

Ce.S.I. can provide innovative product concepts supported by CAE simulations (static, dynamic, linear and non-linear) and by its extensive expertise in adaptronics and micro-engineering. Experimental modal analysis, Reliability & Maintainability (R&M) analysis, Discrete Event Simulation complete the offered range of engineering tools and methodologies for technology development, adaptation and application.
Business and digital innovation

Business and digital innovation

Ce.S.I. provides services to create substantial new value for its customers. This include methods and technologies to boost Digital Innovation and transformation toward Industry 4.0.

Information pursuant to article 13 of the Legislative Decree No 196/2003 – Code regarding personal data protection given to those who interact with web services accessible by telecommunication means starting from the address corresponding to the initial page of Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali site.
This information is only given for this site and not for other websites possibly consulted by the user by link. THE DATA PROCESSING “OWNER”
Following consultation of this site, data relevant to identified or identifiable subjects can be processed.
The “owner” of their processing is Taddei Franco. PLACE OF DATA PROCESSING
Data processing connected to web services of this site takes place at the above-mentioned premises of Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali and is overseen only by the persons in charge of processing or by any possible persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.
No data derived from the web service is communicated or spread. PURPOSES OF DATA PROCESSING
Personal data supplied by the users requesting any informative material is used for the only purpose of carrying out the service or the performance required and is communicated to third parties just in case it is necessary for that purpose (shipment service, forwarding agents and so on). Furthermore, personal data can be also utilized for purposes of commercial promotion of other products of our Company and those connected to it. TYPES OF PROCESSED DATA
Navigation data
The IT systems and the software procedures controlling the functioning of this website acquire, in course of their stan-dard operations, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in using the communication protocols of Internet. It is information that is not collected to be connected to identified subjects but that, in their own nature, could allow, through processing and connections with data owned by third parties, identifying users. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of inquiry, the method used while submitting the inquiry to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code that indicates the status of the answer given by the server (success, failure, etc.) and other parameters relevant to the operating system and the user’s IT environment. This data is only used with a view to receiving anonymous statistical information on the site’s utilization and control-ling its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after its processing. Data could be used for ascertaining any re-sponsibility in case of hypothetical IT crimes damaging the site: subject to this possibility, the current data on web con-tacts does not last for more than seven days.
Data voluntarily supplied by the user
Any optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail messages to the addresses specified on this site entails the following acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to answer the inquiries, as well as any possible personal data included in the message. Any special summary information shall be gradually reported or displayed in the site’s pages dedicated to particular services on demand. COOKIES
No personal data of the users is purposely acquired by the site.
No use of cookies is made for transmission of personal information, nor the so-called permanent cookies are used, namely systems for the users’ tracing.
The use of the so-called session cookies (that are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and disappear upon the browser’s closing) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (made up of accidental numbers gener-ated by the server) necessary to allow any safe and effective exploration of the site.
The so-called session cookies used in this site avoid the use of other IT techniques that may be potentially detrimental to the privacy of the users’ navigation and do not allow the acquisition of the user’s identifying personal data. DATA SUPPLY AS OPTIONAL
Apart from what specified above regarding the navigation data, the user is free to supply the personal data reported in the inquiry forms to Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali or however indicated in contacts in order to request any informative material or other communications.
Their no supply may entail the impossibility to obtain what required. DATA PROCESSING MODE
Personal data is processed by automated tools for the time necessary to achieve the ends for which it was collected. Special safety measures are observed so as to prevent any loss of data, illicit or incorrect uses and unauthorized access. RIGHTS OF THE PERSONS CONCERNED
The subjects the personal data refers to have, at any time, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the same data and to be informed about its contents and origin, to verify the correctness or to ask for its in-tegration, updating or amendment ( article 7 of the Legislative Decree No 196/2003).
Pursuant to the same article, the subjects are entitled to ask for deletion, anonymous transformation or block of the data processed for transgression of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, its processing.
Any inquiry shall be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ce.S.I. Centro Studi Industriali
20093 Cologno Monzese (MI) Italy - Corso Roma, 4
Phone: + 39 02 27302829

P.IVA 00815570965